Take the next step

What Happens On The 30 Minute Call and What Is The Structure Going Forward?
  • You begin with a free test-drive so that we can get to know each other and see if the fit is right. This is not a sales call but a genuine coaching call where you get to experience coaching with me and get your questions answered. Similarly, I get to know you. It usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour to complete.
  • Assuming the test-drive goes well and everyone wants to move forward, the next step is an intake session lasting roughly 1-2 hours. This is primarily a “housekeeping” call where we establish our agreements and build the foundation on which the rest of the coaching relationship stands. At the end of this call there will be no confusion about how coaching works and what you should expect.
  • The first 1-3 months (depending on individual client needs) of coaching is used to establish your financial foundation and design your personalized wealth plan. This typically involves 3 coaching calls per month until you are clearly into action and executing your wealth plan with forward momentum.
  • Once momentum is established call frequency gets reduced to 2 calls per month because it saves you money and is a more appropriate frequency when the agenda shifts from planning to accountability and implementation. During these calls you will “correct and adjust” your plan as new learning occurs during implementation. The reduced call frequency provides the accountability and support you need to stay focused and the continuing education you need to produce breakthrough results.

How Can We Help?

Designed IV Greatness provides coaching in core financial areas—helping you to plan for life events and reach your goals.

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  • Create a budget

  • Save for a major purchase

  • Pay off credit card and student loan debt

  • Build an emergency fund

  • Learn tax basics, including taxable income, adjustments, deductions and credits

  • Consider opportunities to lower your tax bill and improve tax efficiency

  • Set and prioritize financial goals like buying a home or funding education

  • Review 401(k) saving strategies

  • Understand the benefits available through your employer and how they work together

  • Review healthcare coverage options, Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Savings Accounts

  • Consider employer-sponsored insurance plans

  • Decide how much life insurance makes sense

  • Identify other types of insurance that may help, such as excess liability (umbrella) coverage and policies for disability and long-term care

  • Learn investment principles, including risk, return and types of investments

  • Build and diversify a portfolio

  • Make the most of tax-advantaged accounts for retirement and college savings