Debt collection issues can be challenging. You do not have to face them alone. This website has resources that can help you understand how debt collection works and what your rights are. Click here to check it out.
Down Below Are 5 Sample Letters To Send Debt Collectors
Want the debt collector to stop contacting you while you dispute the debt
Want the debt collector to only contact you through a lawyer
* These letters are not legal advice. You'll also want to keep copies of any letters you send.
Credit Repair
Your credit reports and scores have an impact on your finances. This website has resources that can help you better understand them, learn how to correct errors, and improve your credit record over time. Click here to check it out.
Understanding Credit
Map to Build Credit
The 7 factors that impacts your credit score
Look at the age of the collection before agreeing to pay. The statute of limitation is 7 years so I didn’t pay any debt that was with the collector that was close to falling off my credit report when I was rebuilding my credit
Understanding Debt
How To Get Out of The Debt Cycle & Into Financial Freedom