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How Can We Help?

Designed IV Greatness provides coaching in core financial areas—helping you to plan for life events and reach your goals. Please visit our start your journey page by clicking here to see how we can assist you towards your financial goals and easy access to a free 30 minute client call.

How much does financial coaching cost?

Many people are concerned that they can’t afford coaching; however, what my clients have learned is financial coaching can put more money in your pocket than it takes out making it revenue producing. This is not just a sales line – it happens more often than not.

How Can I Contact You?

Please click here to get to the contact us page which allows you to send us an email with any questions or concerns you may have.

How Does The Coaching Process Work?

Money coaching provides four essential keys to building wealth in one convenient package:

  1. The educational resources you need for learning without falling into information overwhelm.
  2. A personalized wealth plan based on your unique skills, abilities, and resources to guide the action.
  3. A practical system of accountability and support so that you implement the wealth plan with enough consistency to succeed.
  4. Transformational growth to overcome the obstacles that stand between you and achieving the goals in your wealth plan.
What Happens On The 30 Minute Call and What Is The Structure Going Forward?
  • You begin with a free test-drive so that we can get to know each other and see if the fit is right. This is not a sales call but a genuine coaching call where you get to experience coaching with me and get your questions answered. Similarly, I get to know you. It usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour to complete.
  • Assuming the test-drive goes well and everyone wants to move forward, the next step is an intake session lasting roughly 1-2 hours. This is primarily a “housekeeping” call where we establish our agreements and build the foundation on which the rest of the coaching relationship stands. At the end of this call there will be no confusion about how coaching works and what you should expect.
  • The first 1-3 months (depending on individual client needs) of coaching is used to establish your financial foundation and design your personalized wealth plan. This typically involves 3 coaching calls per month until you are clearly into action and executing your wealth plan with forward momentum.
  • Once momentum is established call frequency gets reduced to 2 calls per month because it saves you money and is a more appropriate frequency when the agenda shifts from planning to accountability and implementation. During these calls you will “correct and adjust” your plan as new learning occurs during implementation. The reduced call frequency provides the accountability and support you need to stay focused and the continuing education you need to produce breakthrough results.
What Happens During A Coaching Session?
  • Coaching sessions focus on the most important issues affecting your progress toward achieving the goals in your wealth plan. Each call begins with a homework review to provide accountability and continuity between calls.
  • We then launch into the primary topic discussion for the call during which additional homework is usually assigned that will maintain the forward momentum between calls.
  • The objective during each call is to determine the most important action steps you can take during the following weeks so that you move consistently toward your goals.
  • In addition we will problem solve and attempt to overcome any personal obstacles that are holding you back from greater success.
  • The main objective is to set you up for a winning week of incremental progress toward your financial goals that persistently accumulates week after week into significant results over time. Consistent growth and performance is the key.
  • Financial coaching also includes strategy development, brainstorming and mentoring, educational overviews on new topics, identifying blind spots and determining solutions to problems.
Why Do People Hire A Financial Coach?

The short answer is you hire a financial coach because you want improved financial results. Either you face a problem that lacks a clear solution or you realize you aren’t going to achieve your financial goals if something doesn’t change. You want support and expert insight into the most effective way to achieve your financial goals… that is why you hire a financial coach.

Why Would I Want A Financial Coach?

The short answer is to improve your financial intelligence and increase your financial success.

Will I Get Rich Quick?

Financial coaching provides a planned, methodical, scientific approach to wealth building based on proven principles that work. It is not some “get-rich-quick” marketing scam: it is serious financial education and support for people serious about achieving financial freedom and willing to do the work necessary. I can’t promise specific results because everyone’s personal situation is different. However, you can realistically expect to be firmly on a path toward financial independence with a well-formulated plan and taking clear action steps within 3-6 months. How long it takes you to reach the end-goal is a function of your specific plan and your diligence in working that plan.

How Long Do Clients Usually Work With You?

There is no “usual” amount of time. I have several long-term clients, who have been with me 2 years or more, and I have clients who begin with very specific objectives and we happily part ways after 6 months to 1 year when the goal is completed. There is no standard or average amount of time because it totally depends on the client’s needs.

I already have a financial adviser. Why would I want a financial coach?

Financial advice manages the wealth you already built, and financial coaching helps you build wealth in the first place. Many clients use my financial coaching services as an affordable alternative to financial advice, and others find my coaching services complement the services provided by their financial adviser or investment manager.

Are you a stock broker, financial adviser, CPA, RIA, or licensed attorney?


Do You Sell Any Investment Products Or Services?

No. The only thing I sell is education.

Do I Need To Already Be Rich Or Successful To Work With You?

No, that is a common misconception.

How Do I Know If I Will Make A Good Client For Your Services?

After many years of experience there is no vagary about who will get more benefits than costs from financial coaching. It is not for everyone.

Should I Get Coached Alone Or Can I Include My Spouse?

That choice is entirely up to you. The answer is, “Whatever serves your needs best.” The key point is to make sure the primary decision-maker is included.

I Don’t Live In The United States. Do You Work With People In Other Countries?

Yes. As long as your country is a Common Law based system my strategies are not so culturally specific that they can’t be adapted. Most of the differences are details in terminology that can be worked through.